Pros of Being a Locum Tenens Provider 

Pros of Being a Locum Tenens Provider

Considering locum tenens work? While you may be familiar with the locum tenens field, you may not be aware of the many benefits that come along with being a locum tenens provider. Because locum tenens providers are increasingly in demand, pursuing locum tenens work as either a full-time career or part-time employment can be one of the best decisions you make both professionally and financially. Here are some of the most notable pros of being a locum tenens provider:

What Are The Pros of Being a Locum Tenens Provider?


Want to work only during the winter months and take the summers completely off? With the locum tenens lifestyle, this can be a reality! Locum tenens work provides tremendous scheduling flexibility, allowing providers to choose when they’d like to take assignments. Many providers opt to work on a seasonal basis, such as during the fall and winter, or during the spring and summer. Additionally, some providers choose to pick up locum tenens assignments only during the holidays, when they can supplement their full-time income with some additional shifts. Depending on your personal circumstances, there are numerous locum tenens options to fit with your scheduling needs.

Career advancement 

Whether you need to enhance your resume or grow your referral network, locum tenens employment can be instrumental to career advancement. Because each assignment will expose you to a new healthcare setting, medical team, and patient population, you’ll gain a vast degree of hands-on experience in the field. In some cases, a locum tenens assignment can turn into a full-time job as you become acclimated with an employer and learn the practices and protocols at the facility. Helping you achieve your professional goals, locum tenens work can accelerate your career and increase your earning potential.  

Competitive pay 

With healthcare facilities of all types across the U.S. in need of locum tenens providers now more than ever, pay rates in the field have significantly risen. Locum tenens pay is especially competitive in rural areas where workforce demands are highest, as well as at facilities that require more specialized physicians (such as oncologists or emergency medicine providers). While pay rates are often influenced by location and provider experience level, among other factors, pay in the field is generally very lucrative.

If you’re looking for a shift in your work routine or simply considering some additional work options, locum tenens employment can be an impactful way to transform your career. By taking advantage of all the benefits offered by locum tenens work, you can put yourself on the path to greater professional success.  

Ready to Become a Locum Tenens Provider? 

Ready to live the locum life? Get in touch with MPLT Healthcare, a top U.S. locum tenens staffing firm, and get your career on track with our expert recruiting team! 

Ready to get started?

We’re here to help you find the locum tenens assignments you want.

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